Tag: Ireland

Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Possibly Inspired By An Irish Legend

The highly popular Gothic horror character created by Bram Stoker in his 1897 novel entitled ‘Dracula’ might had actually been inspired from an Irish folk legend instead of the historical prince of Wallachia Vlad III Dracul (Vlad III the Dragon) who reigned during the late Middle Ages. While the most popular theory regarding Dracula’s origin…

The Origins Of The Norse-Gaels In Ireland And Scotland

The Norse-Gaels (alternatively known under the terms ‘Hiberno-Norse’ or ‘foreign Gaels’) were a people who originated in the Norse settlements established during the Viking Age in Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man, and the Hebrides who resulted from the intermarriage between the Norse colonists and the native Gaelic populations. In early medieval Ireland, the Norse-Gaels primarily…

A Short Guide To Irish-English And Its Accents Spoken In Ireland

Irish English (or Hiberno-English, from Latin ‘Hibernia’ meaning Ireland) is a term that refers to the totality of dialects spoken and written in Ireland. Historically, English was firstly used in Ireland along with the Norman conquest in the 12th century in the geographic area corresponding to modern day Dublin, at the time known as ‘the…

The History Of The Norse Settlements In Ireland During The Viking Age

During the late 8th century, the Norsemen commenced to set sail from Britain to Ireland and starting from the mid 9th century they built significant settlements which will later expand into present-day Dublin, Limerick, or Cork. At first, their incursions into the British Isles consisted of raiding and plundering Catholic monasteries and transporting the loot…

20 Interesting Facts You Should Know About Ireland, The Emerald Isle

Here’s a list of ten interesting facts you should know about Ireland, the beautiful Emerald Isle, its culture, history, people, and traditions: 20. Ireland is an island located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is the second largest island of the British archipelago, the third largest European one as well as the twentieth largest worldwide….