Top Jobs For People With History Degrees

If you’re a history buff, you might wonder what kind of job you can get with your degree. While some people might think that a history degree is only good for teaching, there are a variety of interesting and well-paying jobs that are perfect for people with this type of background. Read on to learn about the top jobs for people with history degrees.

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Historian or Researcher

Historians research and write about past events, people, and cultures. They may work in a university setting or as part of an independent research project. The primary responsibilities involve:

  • Researching topics through primary sources.
  • Analyzing data to form conclusions.
  • Writing articles or books about their findings.
  • Presenting the results at professional conferences or seminars.

Historians must be able to think critically and analyze data to draw logical conclusions. To become a historian, one must have a Master’s degree in history or a related field. At the National University of Singapore (NUS), you can get the necessary education at NUS Lifelong Learning. You can find multiple courses in history while searching for information on Continuing Education and Training (CET). All these programs have different requirements and course durations.

Museum or Library Director

Historical artifacts are to be researched, cataloged, and displayed in a museum or library setting. Directors of these institutions are knowledgeable in histories and related areas such as art, literature, and culture. Not only do they have the task of managing the institution itself, but they also must be able to communicate ideas effectively with others and collaborate on projects.

Museum or library directors often work with curators to decide which artifacts should be acquired or exhibited at an institution. They may also organize special events such as lectures or educational programs related to the organization’s mission.

Archivist or Records Manager

You must have accessed historical documents, photographs, and records in an archive. Archivists and records managers are responsible for organizing these materials, ensuring they are preserved, and ensuring the public has access to them. They are also responsible for maintaining databases of information about the collections and cataloging new additions.

As an archivist or records manager, you must understand various document preservation methods. Additionally, you must know computer applications to store and organize materials in a system accurately.

Public historian

Tourists, visitors, and residents are often curious about the past. Public historians help to meet this need by presenting historical materials in accessible and exciting ways, such as tours through historical sites or museums, lectures, interactive activities, or displays of artifacts at local festivals.

Public historians must be knowledgeable about the history and be able to communicate it engagingly. They must also have a keen eye for detail and good organizational skills to create educational programs that meet the needs of their audience. It is also vital to have good communication and interpersonal skills to collaborate with colleagues effectively.

Digital Humanities Specialist

When we think about history, the first thing that comes to mind is a book or physical artifact. However, today’s technology has enabled us to explore the past in new ways. Digital humanists explore and interpret historical data through digital media such as websites, videos, and interactive platforms.

Digital humanists must know both traditional methods of research and digital technologies. They must be able to conceptualize, design and develop projects allowing people to explore the past meaningfully. They also need strong analytical skills to interpret data and excellent communication and collaboration skills.

No matter which career you choose, having a history degree will give you the knowledge and skills you need to succeed. You will gain an understanding of the past and how it relates to the present, which can be applied in a variety of professional settings. With dedication and hard work, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in history.

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