From Books to Briefs: Advice for Those Studying Law

Studies can be difficult for many people, and that is normal because you are going into unfamiliar territory. Studying to become a lawyer can be really hard at first so it would be great if you could get yourself prepared before you embark on this journey. There are many things that you can do that can help you prepare properly.

Finding the right books for your law studies can prove very beneficial. Image source:

The shift

What you need to realise is that the shift from high school to university can be really psychologically hard on people. Many people struggle to get accustomed to the new faces and start to miss their friends and family if the study is outside their hometown. What you need to understand is that this is just another chapter in your life. Soon you will find new friends, probably even more people who are interested in the same things you like. When it comes to going away from your family, you should know that every person needs to get through it at some point and go on their own journey, and this is the start of yours. We know it is tough but you need to soak it up and move forward and books can help during this period of transition.


What many students think when they are about to start their studies is that they will have to study day and night, which is not really the case. Of course, commitment will take you a long way but do not stress yourself to the extreme. If you plan to be a good and successful lawyer, like the people at Thomas Law Offices, you will have to work regularly and try to succeed at every point in your career. Even though you do not need to overexert yourself too much, the opposite is also the case. If you are there just to party and have a good time, most likely you will fail. That’s why should find the right books instead and read them carefully.

Understand what you are applying for

The legal system is a wide field where there are many things that you need to get yourself familiar with. It would be great if you could try to understand the importance and history of law in your country as well as the world. By understanding the different branches, such as civil law, criminal law, and others, you will lay a great foundation for your studies at the university. Learn how to present yourself to the people, about ethics, and the right way to represent them. You should go to the university and see how things are running there, what you can learn about their everyday activities, and what needs to be done to achieve success, including finding the right books.

Developing the right skills

You have to realise that the way you learn and research in high school will most likely not be good enough for your studies. You will have to adapt quickly to the demands your teachers will give you and that will be much easier if you know some things about how future students go about their research. You first need to learn about all the terminology that is used in the legal world and you can read about that online. You will have to know how to find relevant legal cases and read a lot of law books and statutes to get accustomed to the language and the laws themselves.

Time management

Whatever job you have to do, you need to have a schedule and adhere to it. Only that way will you succeed in your plans. Unfortunately, many people nowadays are too disconnected from life. We are able to spend hours scrolling through Instagram and messaging people but we cannot sit down for a few hours and do the job we have to. There are many methods that you can utilize to get yourself in the right mindset when doing an assignment. One way is to give yourself a reward every time you fulfill what you want to do. For example, if you say to yourself ‘I am going to work on my project for two hours and then I can relax on my phone for half an hour’. This is completely fine to do but you need to be steadfast. Also, what you can do is, after every hour of work, give yourself five minutes of relaxation time, and this way you will get a lot done without too much stress. One great step towards self-gratification might be to gift yourself a book which has been on your wishlist for quite some time.

Building strong relationships

You have to realise that wherever you go, it is really important that you build strong relationships with other people because in times of need, you can get yourself out of the hole by having people around you. The best way you will be able to find the right people for you is to socialize. During your studies, you will meet a lot of people and it is really important that you try to build as many relationships as you can. As time goes on, people will come and go, but you will build a network that will be very beneficial to you during your studies and later when you become a lawyer. Also, you should try to find a way to get to know your teachers better; try to bond with them because they are full of knowledge and every piece of advice they give can mean a lot to a newbie like you. Attend lectures, be polite, and try your best at all the assignments that they give. Try to get yourself noticed, and hopefully, you will benefit a lot from them as you can benefit from reading the right books for these law studies.

Learn constantly

It is really important that you do not just focus on learning what your teacher gives you but that you are constantly reading and observing things on the side. Read about different cases, how those lawyers approached the case, and think about what you would do differently. With every case reviewed, your knowledge will increase, as will your experience. Becoming a lawyer is no easy feat. It takes a lot of sacrifice and dedication but if you are committed enough, you will most likely succeed in becoming one. Difficult times will come but they will all be behind you sooner or later. You just need to move forward.

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