Tag: Faroe Islands

The Norwegian Cultural Heritage In Iceland And The Faroe Islands

Norway, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands have a long-standing historical connection spanning over centuries. These countries situated in Northern Europe are bounded by many links of social, cultural, historical, linguistic, religious, political, and economic nature. So it is that the Norwegian cultural heritage is clearly visible both in Iceland and in the Faroe Islands and…

A Brief History Of The Norwegian Vikings

During the Viking Age, the Norwegian Vikings were renowned sailors, explorers, warriors, and conquerors. In stark contrast to the their Scandinavian neighbours in terms of navigation, more specifically the Danish Vikings and the Swedish Vikings respectively, the Norwegian Vikings mostly set sail westward and northward towards north-eastern present-day England, Scotland, Ireland, the Faroe Islands, and…

The Faroese Managed To Create Their Own Version Of Google Translate

Relatively recently, the Faroese people managed to create a very useful alternative for Google Translate for those who are interested in learning the Faroese language and visit the Faroe Islands. The small Nordic nation of the Faroe Islands (which is composed of a small archipelago of 18 main islands and several other islets located roughly…

10 Key Facts On The Geography And Climate Of The Faroe Islands

Below you can read a list comprising 10 key facts you should know about the geography and the climate of the Faroe Islands: 10. Geographic location The Faroe Islands are a small archipelago of 18 islands situated between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. The islands are also located almost halfway between Iceland,…

The History Of The Turf Houses In The Faroe Islands And Iceland

The tradition of building houses with turf roofs in the Faroe Islands and Iceland dates back to the Viking Age. These architectural structures are the result of the climate on these islands, the requirements of the Norse society that settled them during the early Middle Ages, and last but not least of the local environmental…