Earth’s Water Resources: Are They Really Infinite?

Contrary to what many people think, the liquid that covers more than 70% of our planet is not infinite! Do you want to know the reason? This article will explain why.

Water is the most important resource on the planet. Without it, all forms of life on the Earth will cease to exist. Here is the twist: water is everywhere around us; it is in ice, plants, oceans, clouds, the air, and even within living organisms. In fact, everyone must have learned in school that 75% of the Earth’s surface is immersed in this magical, beautiful fluid. Contrary to what you might think, water for living organisms is a finite resource.

Water on Earth is not an infinite resource. Image source: Pixabay

A significant portion of the populace is still oblivious to the upcoming water crisis. University professors are emphasizing this problem by writing academic journals and water conservation essays. If you want to keep yourself up to date on the matter, you should check out free essays from online environmentalists. Places like Mongolia, Mexico, North Africa, South Africa, and the Middle East are already suffering from physical water stress. Let us find out more about the Earth’s aqua supply down below.

Statistical facts about the Earth’s water supply

About 95% of the Earth’s water is salty — it is undrinkable. Only 4% of fresh water is available. Of the freshwater available, 30% is under the ground and another 68% is frozen. This leaves only 2% of the freshwater resource available for human daily use. Drinkable water for humanity is even more limited.

Challenges with the Earth’s freshwater supply

Increased human population

Over the past century, the human population has increased dramatically due to a better standard of living, thanks to technology as well. As the global birth rate keeps increasing, the strain on the world’s freshwater resources will only increase. We use freshwater for domestic (e.g. bathing, cooking, or washing) and industrial purposes (e.g. purification, chemical reactions, or energy generation).

Climate change

Global warming is making some coastal areas drier and drier places wetter. Rainfall patterns are becoming irregular. This phenomenon will affect people’s economic livelihood, such as fishing.

Pollution, agriculture, and unbridled usage

In our quest as a race on this planet for mining, oil, and gas exploration, we unfortunately pollute fresh groundwater without doing anything to replenish it. Whenever people apply pesticides and herbicides to the soil, they let these harmful chemicals run off into clean and potable aqua. Unfortunately, these kinds of activities are prominent in arid areas like the Middle East, where the dilution rate is low. This process renders the fluid dangerous and highly unsuitable for drinking.

Industrialization and economic competition

The global competition for water resources will only keep increasing. The top-tier classes of developing countries want to improve their economies. They want to construct more dams, generate more electricity, and build more industries. Also, the geographical position of landlocked countries places them at a disadvantage, especially in Africa. The outlook is not looking so good in this ramification.

What are the solutions to Earth’s water supply problems?

Governmental investment in large scale water management reforms

The government needs to be deliberate about tackling this problem, especially in the most targeted countries with respect to global warming and water problems. Two typical examples include building water reservoirs and creating laws on water rights trading systems. Australia is doing this well, and the rest of the world should follow this teacher’s lead, so to put it. Public corporations also need to come up with water pricing plans.

Reduction of wastewater

The college system, community, and national corporations should sensitize everyone about the water crisis at hand. Once the public has this kind of education, they will learn to cut down on wastewater in their daily lives.

Small to medium scale desalination

Desalination involves the use of certain electrical processes to remove salt from the marine liquid. However, this process is energy-intensive. Saudi Arabia has shown great tenacity by building solar power plants for the process of desalination. Better technologies for this process are still under research.


Dear readers, today you have learned a big lesson, in case you didn’t know it already: water is not infinite on Earth, but, very much fortunately for us, it is renewable! Therefore, kindly don’t waste it in your daily life! Do whatever you can to let other people know about this problem as well. If you are still a student, put up blog posts about it. Humanity must and will overcome! Together we can tackle the water crisis as well and build a better, renewable future for our race on this planet. Thank you for your stopping by, for your precious time and for reading this article! All the best, much health, take care, stay safe, many blessings, and great peace your way! God bless you and be mindful about your daily water usage!

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